In spite of our affinity for large gatherings of the faithful, we believe that the Church is - fundamentally - SMALL. Historically, and globally, the Church has been built upon rapidly reproducing, household-based, disciple-making, mission fellowships.
We believe that the Church flourishes as Jesus intends where and when the “priesthood” of all believers is allowed to flourish. EVERY follower of Jesus, a bearer of the Spirit. Every person called. Every person empowered for Kingdom mission, wherever the Lord has placed them. This is how the Church has reached - and will reach - the world! As such, we regard the OUTPOST micro-church expression to be the fundamental building block of our mission/strategy/structure.
Our aim is to see the regular multiplication of outposts, yielding the periodic multiplication of Gatherings, all in the context of a commitment to the intentional making, maturing and multiplying of wholehearted followers of Jesus, such that we might see a genuine disciple-making, church-planting movement sparked here, in northern New England.